New Earth Portal logo in yellow-green text on a transparent background

New Earth Portal is our online membership community where people all over the world come together for group meditations, interactive workshops, healing circles and social gatherings.


Our intention is to create safe and supportive spaces to connect, heal and explore our intuitive gifts alongside others on the spiritual path.

Listen to what some of our members have to say about New Earth Portal.

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Membership Spaces


There are many different ways to approach spiritual awakening, healing and Ascension so we have created 3 bespoke circles you can join within our New Earth Portal community.

Promotional poster for 'New Earth Portal Meditation Circle.' The background features a dense forest scene. The text includes the event name in yellow-green, details about the meditation circle being free and held on the 1st Sunday of the month. The top of the poster mentions 'New Earth Portal Membership Community,' and the bottom includes the Instagram handle @academyoftranscendence

New Earth Portal:

Subscription: $77/month

This is a public space offering a gentle and restorative refuge for all to connect with the grounding presence of Gaia, practice stillness of the mind and cultivate more inner peace and spaciousness. This also includes a short Ascension update to recap the recent energetic weather and observe key themes for the awakening collective.


  • When: 1st & 3rd Sunday of every month
  • Time: 7pm – 8pm (AEST/AEDT)
  • Where: Hosted inside our dedicated online community platform 

What's Included:

  • 2 x 90-min public group sessions per month
  • Access to our library of past sessions


Promotional poster for 'New Earth Portal Ascension Circle.' The background features a cosmic scene with a beam of light ascending from the bottom center. The text includes the event name in yellow-green, details about the ascension circle being held on the 4th Sunday of the month. The top of the poster mentions 'New Earth Portal Membership Community,' and the bottom includes the Instagram handle @academyoftranscendence

Ascension Circle:
Single Session Pass

One-Time Payment: $44

This is a dedicated space to geek out on all things Ascension. Starseeds, New Earth and Ascension. Meet others with shared interests Lightworkers, Starseeds, extra-dimensional beings, galactic history and ancient civilisations such as Atlantis and Lemuria. Sessions may feature powerful energy activations, immersive astral journeys, channeled messages from the higher realms and activating light code transmissions.


  • When: Ascension Circle is held on the 1st Sunday of every month
  • Time: 7pm – 8.30pm (AEST/AEDT)
  • Where: Hosted inside our dedicated online community platform

What's Included:

  • 1 x 90-min public group session

Promotional poster for 'New Earth Portal Healing Circle.' The background features a cosmic scene with six ethereal, glowing heads arranged in a circle. The text includes the event name in yellow-green, details about the healing circle being held on the 2nd Sunday of the month. The top of the poster mentions 'New Earth Portal Membership Community,' and the bottom includes the Instagram handle @academyoftranscendence

Healing Circle:
Single Session Pass

One-time payment: $44

This is our private group container dedicated to supporting you with your healing journey. Through interactive group Q&A sessions, we will use a suite of empowering Inner Work tools to identify unresolved trauma, process emotions, rewire limiting beliefs and cultivate more self-love. We also discuss detox protocols and supportive practices to purify the physical body.


  • When: Healing Circle is held on the 3rd Sunday of every month
  • Time: 7pm – 8.30pm (AEST/AEDT)
  • Where: Hosted inside our dedicated online community platform

What's Included:

  • 1 x 90-min public group session

Abstract and spiritual artwork depicting a seated figure in a meditative pose. The figure is adorned with chakra symbols aligned along the spine, each representing different energy centers. Above the figure's head is a lotus flower with a triangle and other geometric shapes. The background features mountainous scenery and large eyes with an intense gaze, symbolizing higher awareness. The image is vibrant, with colors blending from pinks and purples at the top to blues and greens at the bottom

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Joining our mailing list gives you instant access to our online community.

You’ll receive:

  • Our monthly ascension newsletter
  • Early-bird tickets for upcoming workshops
  • Exclusive offers on 1:1 sessions
  • VIP access to online events
  • Resources: videos, podcasts and more