Inner Work Foundations logo in yellow-green text on a transparent background.

Ready to start a transformative journey of self-mastery?


Inner Work Foundations is our introductory 8-week online course that will equip you with the foundational knowledge and tools to master your inner landscape of thoughts, emotions and energy.

In this sacred group container, we dive into the depths of the inner landscape to explore the root cause of emotional reactivity, understand triggers and trauma, and identify the ego stories, limiting beliefs and coping mechanisms that sabotage your peace and happiness.

Through a combination of theory sessions, interactive exercises, reflection frameworks and weekly practices, Inner Work Foundations facilitates breakthrough "a-ha" moments, empowering you to create deep and lasting change in your life.

Self-healing, but make it spiritual.


At Academy Of Transcendence, we take a spiritual approach to mental and emotional well-being, blending the fields of psychology, emotional intelligence, energy work, somatic healing and 3D – 5D Ascension philosophy.

Surreal artwork depicting three figures. Two figures sit on a rocky surface, while a third figure dives mid-air towards a swirling vortex in the background. The image has a monochromatic, abstract appearance with shades of pink and grey.

We acknowledge that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. From a soul level, we ourselves are the authors of this incarnation, carefully choosing the situations and dynamics that will catalyse our growth and learning.

This doesn't mean that living on Earth is easy – far from it in fact.

Often, the most ambitious souls enrol in a challenging Earthly curriculum for rapid spiritual evolution. This means it's easy to get deflated, distracted or even derailed by the trials and tribulations of the human experience.

If you resonate with Starseed, Lightworker or New Earth Leader and want to heal yourself so you can step more fully into your unique Earth Mission, this course is for you.

Inner Work Foundations:
8-Week Online Course


To help you navigate your unique healing journey, we have developed a signature framework for self-healing called The 8 Pillars Of Inner Work.

This is a potent collection of expansive concepts and practical tools, and in Inner Work Foundations, we will give you a comprehensive introduction to the first 4 fundamental pillars.

Abstract illustration of a smiling face in black outline on a bright yellow-green background with a black shadow behind it. The background features a soft, glowing effect with varying shades of yellow and green

Ego Work

As our inbuilt defence mechanism, the Ego creates beliefs, stories and behaviours to help us cope with distressing and disturbing experiences (trauma). If left unresolved, these perceived threats become our triggers, resulting in impulsive emotionally charged reactions, self-sabotaging patterns and victim mentality.

Ego Work shows us that our triggers are our teachers, helping to reveal our Inner Critic stories and highlighting the wounds that are ready to be seen, understood and healed.

Abstract illustration of a heart-shaped smiling face in black outline on a bright yellow-green background. The face has large eyes, a small nose, and a smile, with wavy lines extending downward. The background features a soft, glowing effect with varying shades of yellow and green

Emotional Intelligence

Many of us were taught that being emotional was a sign of weakness. This conditions us to reject, avoid or invalidate our own emotions, which creates blockages and dis-ease.

Emotional Intelligence is the ability to consciously respond rather than impulsively react. Deepening our awareness of the sensations that naturally arise in the body, understanding the different trauma response states and having practices to regulate our nervous system when triggered helps us cultivate emotional resilience.

Abstract illustration of a face with two large eyes in black outline on a bright yellow-green background. The face has a bulbous shape with a black area at the bottom, resembling a container or vessel. The background features a soft, glowing effect with varying shades of yellow and green

Healthy Boundaries

Many of us learned to prioritise others before ourselves. This disconnects us from acknowledging our personal limits and needs. Self-care is not selfish. This can be a foreign concept for those who grew up in a codependent or enmeshed family where people-pleasing and self-sacrifice were normalised or rewarded.

Healthy boundaries are an act of self-love and learning how to communicate them firmly yet compassionately is a sign of self-mastery.

Abstract illustration of a smiling star-shaped figure in black outline on a bright yellow-green background. The star has large eyes and a small nose, with rays emanating from it. The background features a soft, glowing effect with varying shades of yellow and green

Shadow Work

From a young age, our family, culture and society tell us what is acceptable and what isn’t, causing us to adopt a dualistic mindset that labels things as good or bad and right or wrong. This socialisation leads to the formation of our Shadow, an aspect of our psyche that holds the parts of ourselves that we judge as unacceptable, shameful or "not allowed".

Shadow Work helps us to illuminate all the qualities that we have repressed, invalidated or disowned and reintegrate them with love.

“All outer change starts with Inner Work."

Who is this course for?


Inner Work Foundations is for anyone who wants to feel happier, healthier and more whole. In particular, this course will support people who experience:


Do you catch yourself reacting erratically, jumping between anger, anxiety, and dissociation?



Do you experience a loud and intrusive inner dialogue, such as perfectionism, OCD, catastrophising, or self-deprecation?



Are you a people pleaser or scared of confrontation? Do you put other people’s wants or needs before your own, only to end up in situations you don’t want to be in feeling bitter, burnt out or resentful?



Do you notice a need to prove yourself to others to gain approval, acceptance or a sense of self-worth?


Do you take on the role of Caretaker, Peacekeeper or Savior for your family or friends? Learn how to detach from these stories and start prioritising your inner peace and wellbeing



Are you afraid to show your vulnerability or let people get close to you for fear of disappointment, rejection or abandonment?



Do you feel disconnected from feeling or expressing your emotions?

Key Benefits


Inner Work Foundations is for anyone who wants to feel happier, healthier and more whole. In particular, this course will support people who experience:

Surreal artwork of a faceless figure with a smooth, pinkish skin tone. The top of the head is peeled back like a flap, revealing an eye in a black void with a hand pulling back the flap. The background is a soft pink, creating a dreamy and abstract atmosphere
  • Cultivate Self-Awareness: Develop a profound understanding of your thoughts, emotions, and patterns of behavior. Cultivate self-awareness and gain clarity on your values, desires, and purpose.

  • Heal Emotional Wounds: Release emotional baggage, heal past traumas, and transform limiting beliefs that hold you back from living a life of joy and abundance. Inner Work provides you with the tools to understand your triggers, heal past wounds and develop emotional mastery.

  • Live Fearlessly: Trauma, coping mechanisms and conditioning create fear-based stories and limiting beliefs. Break free from limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging patterns to live fearlessly.

  • Express Your Authentic Self: When you stop judging yourself, give yourself permission to express your authentic self.

  • Accelerate Your Spiritual Growth: Ascension is an inside job. Turn trauma into embodied wisdom and shift out of 3D victim mentality into Self-Mastery.

What's included

Inside this immersive group container, we will guide you through the foundational concepts of Inner Work step-by-step and empower you with tools you can use again and again in your own self-healing practice. 

Promotional poster for 'Inner Work Foundations,' an 8-week Inner Work Immersion course held online via Zoom. The poster features a close-up of a stylized face in the background with large, reflective eyes.

What's Included:

  • 8 x Live Video Lessons: Engaging and insightful video lessons that guide you through each module of the course

  • 8 x 2-hour group sessions, online via Zoom

  • Interactive Exercises: Thought-provoking exercises, reflection prompts and weekly practices to deepen your self-exploration and facilitate inner transformation.

  • Weekly Practices + Revision Quiz to support integration of the new concepts

  • Downloadable notes for each session and lifetime access to session recordings via the membership hub

  • Guided Meditations: Relaxing and empowering guided meditations to support your inner healing journey and cultivate mindfulness.

  • Community Support: Access to a private online community where you can connect with like-minded individuals, share insights, and receive support on your journey.

  • Dedicated online community platform with a private group chat

  • Q&A time after each session


"Exploring self-mastery with Kevin is hard to put into words. It has been the catalyst for some of the most noticeable changes in my life, completely developing the way in which I interpret and interact with the world around me.

I now have a more solid sense of self and hold a higher value of self-worth. After many years of struggling with boundaries, I am finally able to hold these, compassionately, where and when necessary, which is empowering.

The work in this course is challenging (and at times confronting!) but extremely rewarding; it requires a lot of honesty and vulnerability with yourself and others.

I am really looking forward to continuing Inner Work with Kevin this year."

— Emily


"Before completing the course I was dealing with recently separating from my wife and had started on a journey of self-discovery.

While there were lots of great moments along the way, the biggest thing I have taken away from the course is the ability to be able to play witness to my ego and all the thoughts and emotions that flow through me at any given moment. Learning to observe and question more than allowing myself to be engrossed in them and letting them influence how I feel and behave.

Gaining this skill is in part due to a combination of learning to improve my Emotional Intelligence, and understanding how Shadow Work helps to see the parts of us that we have hidden away.

It was nice to be able to share my stories but also hear other's stories as well. It allowed me to reflect on my own experiences, but also see things from a different perspective. I also felt supported during my vulnerable moments as well as being there to support others in the group."

— Mark

"Kevin, THANK YOU so much for creating this course and for sharing your experience and knowledge out into the world. It's been better than the regular counseling I've had over the last 20 years! (which has been mostly talk therapy, with no real theory or understanding of why or how our thoughts and feelings happen.)

I am so grateful for your patience and the amount of detail (love and time) you put into each of the sessions and now with our 1–1's.

You hold such a fun and safe space and being part of the group was so comforting. I especially love that I have all the tools and resources on hand to practice and refer back to on my Inner Work journey."

— Weena

Meet your guide, Kevin.

Meet your guide, Kevin. Kevin is sitting cross-legged on a colorful cushion in a minimalist room with a serene expression

After his Dark Night Of The Soul in 2018, Kevin's focus shifted from seeking external gratification to his inner landscape and a fierce drive to understand his volatile emotions, self-sabotaging patterns and harsh inner critic stories was born.

Kevin dove head-first into the world of healing, exploring the fields of psychology, somatic healing, energy work and spiritual philosophies from ancient wisdom traditions as well as New Age movements. During this process of learning and experimentation, he identified a suite of essential self-healing practices, customising them into his signature self-healing framework he now calls The 8 Pillars Of Inner Work.

Today, Kevin is passionate about sharing Inner Work so that others can empower themselves with the concepts and tools to shift out of victim-mentality, reclaim their personal power and cultivate a richer sense of self-love.

Course Curriculum

Promotional poster for 'Inner Work Foundations,' an 8-week Inner Work Immersion course held online via Zoom. The poster features a close-up of a stylized face in the background with large, reflective eyes.
Session Breakdown:
  • Session 1 – Ego As Identity: Engaging and insightful video lessons that guide you through each module of the course.
  • Session 2 – Ego As Defence Mechanism: Engaging and insightful video lessons that guide you through each module of the course.
  • Session 3 – Ego As Inner Critic: Discover your Inner Critic type/s and how these can show you your unique healing themes.
  • Session 4 – Emotional Intelligence: Learn about the 4 trauma response states “Fight/ Flight/ Freeze/ Fawn” and practical techniques to regulate your nervous system
  • Session 5 – Healthy Boundaries: Engaging and insightful video lessons that guide you through each module of the course.
  • Session 6 – Shadow Work: Engaging and insightful video lessons that guide you through each module of the course.
  • Session 7 – Building Your Practice: Engaging and insightful video lessons that guide you through each module of the course.
  • Session 8 – Closing Ceremony: Engaging and insightful video lessons that guide you through each module of the course.

Payment Options

We've prepared a few payment options to choose from:

* Prices are in Australian Dollar $AUD



Upfront Payment

  • 8 x 2-hour group sessions, online via Zoom
  • Lifetime access to session recordings via the membership hub
  • Downloadable notes and resources for each session
  • Dedicated online community platform with private group chat
  • Q&A time after each session



Includes 1–1 Mentorship

  • ASCENSION UPGRADE: Includes 4 x 90-minute 1–1 Sessions featuring 3D–5D Ascension Mentorship and 15-Chakra Column of Ascension Energy Activation
  • 8 x 2-hour group sessions, online via Zoom
  • Lifetime access to session recordings via the membership hub
  • Downloadable notes and resources for each session
  • Dedicated online community platform with a private group chat
  • Q&A time after each session 



3 Monthly Payments

  • PAYMENT PLAN: 1 payment of $777 per month, for 3 months. Total price is: $2,331
  • 8 x 2-hour group sessions, online via Zoom
  • Lifetime access to session recordings via the membership hub
  • Downloadable notes and resources for each session
  • Dedicated online community platform with a private group chat
  • Q&A time after each session

Self-healing doesn't need to be confusing, serious or boring.

Inner Work Foundations is a space where you will feel safe and supported to embrace your emotions, heal from past wounds, meet others on the spiritual path and Transcend Together.