Hey there!

I'm Kevin, an Inner Work teacher and Ascension guide from Sydney, Australia. In 2019, I started Academy Of Transcendence as a way to share the self-healing concepts and tools that literally changed my life.

It hasn't been a straightforward path though. In fact, there were a lot of detours, initiations and sidequests along the way – each one a valuable stepping stone. Here is a recap of the background, key stages of awakening and milestone moments of my journey so far.

Life after the Vietnam War

My parent's voyage to Australia.

My mum, the eldest of 7 children, worked as a nurse at a hospital in downtown Saigon. After losing a brother to war, my dad was conscripted as a medical aide. Both came to the conclusion that leaving their family, friends and homeland was a sacrifice they were willing to make for the potential of a future life away from the residue of war.

Under the cover of night, they illegally clambered onto overcrowded fishing boats and set off into the open sea. Needless to say this voyage was sketchy AF with limited resources onboard and thieving pirate thugs lurking off the coastline. 

They made it to refugee camps in Indonesia and Malaysia and after 9 months, they were eventually accepted into Australia in 1980. They met each other at English school and got married shortly after, settling in the humble western Sydney suburb of Blacktown.

Sensitivity as a gift/ curse

I was an empath and didn't know it.

As a kid, I could energetically pick up what other people were feeling, often far too easily. For migrant parents dealing with the pressures of raising a family, this emotional sensitivity wasn’t really understood.

Understandably, they were both focused on survival and security. Without the education or support systems to address their own childhood and post-war trauma, they projected their wounds onto each other. Therefore, healthy boundaries, emotional intelligence and expression of feelings wasn't really a thing in our household.

This took its toll on family life, manifesting as financial strain, intense conflict, verbal abuse, alcoholism, gambling, lies, cheating, depression and eventually a bitter divorce. Empathically, I absorbed a lot of this friction and many nights I’d go to bed with a heaviness in my chest. In hindsight, I can see my inability to regulate my own nervous system and suppression of big emotions like anger and grief led to frequent bouts of asthma and eczema.

Transmutation through creativity 

Art, design and music as a way to process emotions.

From an early age, I was drawn to art, frequently dipping into my imagination to create quirky characters and scenes. My mum was supportive of this interest, providing the material and equipment to draw and paint.

In high school, I continued to pursue artistic expression dabbling in mixed media and sculpture. Upon graduation, I wanted to find a way to make creativity a livelihood, eventually enrolling in a 4-year Visual Communication degree at University of Technology, Sydney.

Now with tertiary training, I started a career path as a freelance graphic designer while hiring a studio space on the side to develop my own art practice and experiment with making music.

A desire to connect with something bigger and more profound trickled subconsciously through the work, with collections titled 'Between Two Worlds' (2009), 'Strobe' (2010), 'South Of The River' (2014) and 'Cosmic Pilgrim' (2015).

In hindsight, I can see I was doing art therapy and training my intuitive muscles – many of the figures that emerged were spirit animals of people, places and experiences.

Dancing into the darkness


Drinking, drugs and partying like a rockstar.

Home wasn’t a peaceful place so I sought refuge with friends. Just like dad, I turned to alcohol to escape the volatility of home life. I began partying, indulging in Sydney's hedonistic nightlife: clubs, music festivals and raves. It was a wild time – I was carefree, irreverent and hell-bent on having a good time.

The funny thing was; everyone else was doing it. Binge drinking and partying was not only socially acceptable, it was celebrated and in some ways, idolised. I was pushing the limits, and eventually this landed me in court for drugs and drink driving.

However, even after these red flag warnings, my self-destructive tendencies persisted.

In 2010 I moved to London and continued my hedonistic party lifestyle around Europe. Things got out of hand again and in 2014, I felt disconnected from everything. I didn't know what I was doing with my life. Feeling confused and disconnected, I spiralled into depression. At my lowest point, I resigned from my job and booked a flight back to Sydney. That was my rock bottom moment – my dark night of the soul – coincidentally during my Saturn Return.

Now back in Sydney, I felt beaten down and broken. My body began to detox, breaking out in allergies, food intolerances and even a bout of shingles. It was tough to be back at my mum's place sleeping on a sofa bed feeling sorry for myself. After 4 years of self-indulgent fun, it felt like I'd crash landed back to reality and it was a bitter truth to face.

Emotionally, I was riddled with stories of guilt and shame but didn't know what to do with these heavy emotions. I had hurt people I cared for in London and I didn't trust myself. I was worried I'd hurt people again with my erratic, impulsive and often selfish behaviour. My inner critic was centre stage with a megaphone and I was at war with myself, harshly berating myself for ending up here.

I was desperate for a lifeline out of this state. I was willing to try anything, turning to self-help books, workshops and meditation retreats for enlightened answers. I was a sponge for information. Some concepts began to sink in and I started incorporating self-healing practices into my daily routine: analytical psychology, meditation and a lot of self-reflection.

My focus shifted from seeking external gratification toward the illusive corners of my inner landscape.

A fierce drive to understand my volatile emotions, self-sabotaging patterns and harsh inner critic stories was born.

The quest for esoteric wisdom 

Annunaki, Atlantis and The Law Of One. 

Alongside my explorations into self-healing, I felt a strong call to research esoteric wisdom, metaphysics and ancient civilisations.

I synchronistically stumbled into a conversation about the Sumerian Tablets and the Annunaki which led me down a rabbit hole of esoteric research. I became obsessed with ancient civilisations like Atlantis and Lemuria. I was blown away by the work of Helena Blavatsky, Delores Cannon and Matias DeStefano. I devoured books like The Law Of One and Conversations With God. I even booked a solo ticket to an alien conference.

2018 was such an expansive year of geeking out about esoteric topics. My reality was bending and redefining itself.

Strangely, one thought kept returning to the forefront of my mind... the notion of New Atlantis.

Key And Isle 

A spiritual streetwear sidequest. 

The notion of New Atlantis became the creative launchpad for spirituality-inspired streetwear brand, Key And Isle.

Over it's variation incarnations, I partnered with friends Tom, Adele and Ryan to explore how spiritual concepts could be expressed through a streetwear brand.

With yin/yang dolphins as our signature motiff, we had a lot of fun with clothing collections, merch, dance parties, mixtapes series and even an exhibition with invited artists from all around the world to respond to the question: "What does spirit mean to you?"

In many ways, it was a vehicle to express my newfound interest in spirituality and esoteric through a medium and language I was familiar with, merging the fields of design, music, spirituality and altered states of consciousness.

It's worth mentioning that one of the first t-shirt designs featured the words: International Academy Of Transcendance... a tongue-in-cheek phrase that would eventually find a second life in years to come.

A life-changing trip 

My first conscious channeling experience.

During my partying years, I had thrown some psychedelics into the hotpot along with other substances. There was never with an intention to use it for self-discovery and spiritual connection. This all changed when the universe introduced me to a group of psychonauts.

In my first acid trip with them, I slipped into a trance-like state. It was the first time I had shared my perspective on emotions, intuition and spirit so openly.

Although I didn't know it at the time, it was my first experience of conscious channeling. The top of my head was tingling with energy and I felt a powerful crown chakra connection. Words were effortlessly flowing through me and I had an innate knowing of which words were meant for who.

The aftermath of this impromptu healing circle had me and the group shook. My ego mind was trying to post-rationalise the experience but it was far bigger than I could comprehend. The heartfelt messages I received the following day inspired me to collate everything I'd been learning and find a way to share it with others. 

"Amongst other concepts, I fit in the idea of forgiving people (including myself) into my worldview and own spiritual story. Your session allowed me to forgive the rest of the things and people I was holding on to (a large part of that was myself) and through that process I felt incredible joy and relief that I honestly did not know would trigger such strong emotions when released.

I'm not sure I've had as chance to properly tell you what impact that Saturday had on me but this is only a flavour. Grateful to have shared that day's experience and received your energy. It solidified my reasoning behind everything that I had been gravitating towards since my mindfulness journey began. Thank you!"

- Ben W

"So much gratitude for yesterday Kev. Thank you for sharing everything with us, it was a breakthrough moment (and probably for everyone else). Very excited to learn more from you and my journey.

I felt that there was something special with your energy yesterday on how you captivated us all, it was something I haven't seen before. Go get it. If there's anything I can ever do to help in any way, let me know."

- Michael L

Academy Of Transcendence 

If they can pull it off, so can I.

The heartfelt messages I received the following day inspired me to collate everything I had been learning and figure out a way to share it with others. I had another question to answer first though: 

"What do I call this thing?"

This is when those iconic words from Key And Isle drifted back into my awareness.

I had some serious self-doubt when it came to calling this new project Academy Of Transcendence. First of all, I was only at the beginning of my spiritual journey and I knew I had a lot to learn until I could comfortably say I help people heal, let alone "transcend". To be honest,  I didn't really know what it actually meant to transcend – it was just a playful idea we had on a t-shirt which just so happened to have my conveniently surname nestled into it.

I wrestled with whether claiming this name was brave, presumptuous, self-entitled or just delusional.

To accept the pressure, expectation and responsibilities of an "academy of transcendence" was a very audacious goal. The name felt a bit too big, too bold, too epic for me to take on. And I still had a long way to go before I felt comfortable calling myself a spiritual teacher.

Then one day I remembered the brand 'School Of Life' and thought:

"If they can pull it off, so can I." 

For the logo design, I wanted to incorporate the idea of elevating dimensional spheres and a global shift from separation into oneness.

Introduction to Self-Healing 

My battle with imposter syndrome.

Despite my sheepishness about the name, I ran my first 'Introduction to Self-Healing' workshop in 2019 – 8 sessions full of what I'd been learning about meditation, ego and shadow work, emotional intelligence, breathwork, brainwave frequencies, and self-care rituals.

Although passionate about these topics, I wrestled with imposter-syndrome and my inner critic was brutal when it came to calling myself a spiritual teacher: “How are you qualified to teach about these topics? Who do you think you are?”

In early 2020, I ran the second iteration of Introduction to Self-Healing, taking the experience from the first workshops and revising the material with new concepts and information.

After all the books, workshops and online trainings, my inner perfectionist was obsessed with memorising and explaining the information perfectly. It became clear there was a big difference between regurgitating someone else's theory and sharing from a place of embodiment.

Up until this point, my approach to healing and spirituality was mind-heavy.

So I did what most seekers do and booked a flight to India in search of a deeper spiritual experience.

A magical year in Rishikesh

Soaking up the wisdom of Yoga, Reiki and Sound Healing.

2 weeks into my yoga teacher training course, the pandemic hit and India went into strict lockdown. The global travel restrictions were a blessing in disguise and my 6-week trip turned into a 10-month spiritual pilgrimage. I enthusiastically embraced the opportunity to study the various healing arts that Rishikesh had to offer, from reiki, sound healing and 500hrs of yoga teacher training.

This trip highlighted the importance of Sadhana (daily spiritual practice). Through yoga, breathwork and meditation, I reconnected with my emotions and intuition, and I noticed how my natural sensitivity allowed me to tap into fields of subtle energy.

11 months later, Australia tentatively reopened its borders and I was finally able to book a flight home. Now back in Sydney, I was filled with inspiration to open an inner-city ashram in the heart of Surry Hills to share the new concepts and practices I had learnt.

Opening an Inner City Ashram

A healing centre in the heart of Sydney's CBD.

The vision was to create a safe space for learning, sharing, connection and community to host yoga, pranayama and meditation classes. Where other practitioners could also share their specialised modalities and collaborations with friends like live music events, conscious dance parties and immersive weekend retreats.

However, just weeks after our grand opening event, the second pandemic wave hit. All our scheduled classes, workshops and retreats had to be cancelled.

Lockdown forced us to pivot and we moved everything online. All things considered, it worked out better than we thought. With the help of Zoom, we were able to host online workshops, share recordings of meditations and people were able to log in from the comfort of their own bedrooms.

Sharing virtually also meant we were able to connect with people from all over the world.

Connecting to the Angelic realms

A healing circle with Anne Tucker.

At the start of 2022, I joined a healing circle led by Anne Tucker who works with the angelic realms. After meeting the other 11 circle members in our opening session, Anne trance channeled the angels who guided us through a powerful meditation – they described it as creating the energetic structure for our work together.

Over the next 6 months, I worked with Anne and the angels to clean up my energy body. We interpreted my dreams (which I learned are actually coded messages from our higher selves) – a big part of this work was healing masculine and feminine energies. The angels helped me revisit and heal unresolved traumas from past lifetimes during the Holocaust, ancient Mongolia and Neanderthal era. Needless to say this whole experience reshaped my perception of reality.

Our final group retreat in late June was literally mind-bending. We all finished up feeling revitalised and inspired, and I was excited to get AOT back in motion.

The blessing of community

Finally connecting with Soul family.

The second half of 2022 was all about connecting with community. I started running energy activation workshops again, incorporating new practices and learnings.

A highlight was definitely the 8/8 Lion's Gate Portal workshop with Jane – such a powerful experience that only strengthened my passion and faith in this healing work.

Other fun collaborations included Embodied Dance with Georgia, Kangaroo Valley Folk Festival with Balinese Spice Magic and Presence & Flow with Jane and Simon – all special in their own way.

The real blessing of 2022 was meeting others on the spiritual path and exchanging stories of awakening. After years of solitude, it was uplifting to come together as community and feel seen, heard and supported.

Residency at Swami's Retreat

One month volunteering as a yoga and meditation teacher.

In April 2023, I did a month-long residency at Swami's Yoga Retreat. Nestled amongst peaceful bushland in north-west Sydney, this retreat was founded 40-years ago by Swami, a pioneering yogi, philosopher and holistic health expert that helped bring yoga to Australia back in the 60s.

It was great to connect with the retreat guests and volunteers through traditional yoga practices such as asana, pranayama, chanting and meditation, and share the AOT teachings: inner work, embodied dance, balancing masculine and female energy and psychic development.

I also loved chatting with guests about the visions or sensations they experienced during our meditations, and hearing about the newfound stillness/ clarity they discovered after chanting or laying with the sound bowls.

After a month here, I feel like I've unlocked a new state of contentment and bliss. A heartfelt thank you to Swami for her incredible legacy.

Final Words

The journey of learning never ends, it only gets richer as we unlock new layers of perception and understanding. My healing journey continues to show me wounds that need healing, and as I commit and trust the process, I’m gifted with insights and realisations that deepens my empathy and compassion. 

The culmination of my embodied learning is expressed through my 8 Pillars of Inner Work framework – a toolkit of concepts and practices that I’ve tried, test and continue to refine. 

Although my inner critic still whispers stories of self-doubt and imposter syndrome, the calling of my soul is much louder. My gift to the world is the embodiment of my lived experience. I’ve learnt how to empower myself through these teachings and it’s my soul’s joy to share them with others so they can release limiting beliefs, heal their traumas and step into their self-mastery. 

It’s an honour and privilege to share my learnings with you,