Solstice Gateway

Online Group Meditation









Let's celebrate this year's Solstice Gateway and anchor the 6D plasma light codes 🧬


We’re looking forward to hosting sacred space for our community to come together and celebrate another milestone moment in our collective Ascension journey.

This year’s Solstice takes place over June 20th/21st and the stage is set for the cosmic floodgates to open granting access to frequencies of the Sixth Dimension – something that has never been available to former civilisations and races on Earth. During this gateway, we will be showered with new plasma light codes that support the transmutation of dense energy and activation of dormant DNA.

To work with the new energies, we invite you to Solstice Gateway 2024, a free online group meditation featuring guided Astral Journey and Energy Activation.

We’re going back to basics for this one, starting with a deep energetic cleanse of our 15-chakra system working with 3 powerful expressions of the Violet Flame that have been gifted to us from the Archangels and Ascended Masters.

❤️‍🔥 Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame
❤️‍🔥 Lilac Fire of Source
❤️‍🔥 Golden Rainbow Fire

After this deep energy clearing, we will connect up to the Grand Central Sun and activate our Column of Ascension. This opens a clear channel for the Solstice light codes to flow down and through us, anchoring them into the core of Gaia.

This Planetary Light Work will be another contribution from the AOT community toward building and stabilising the grids and frequency of New Earth.

The final activation will be working with Ascended Master Melchizedek to help us with the construction of our Crystalline Light Body.

As each person clears and activates their connection to Source, the human collective plugs into more divine cosmic energy. Like neurons in the brain coming online and forming new clusters, awakened Lightworkers make it possible for the planetary body of Earth to hold more light and consciousness.


If you feel called to join us, we’d love to co-create our Solstice Gateway event with you.

RSVP below to reserve your spot.